Saturday, November 17, 2018


File sharing is the sharing of files such as pictures, songs, videos, documents, movies and more, through the use of a computer through the internet. P2P (peer to peer) however, is one way people can receive or send files of their choice. An example of a P2P method is BitTorrent, which is a program that allows people to upload files, and also allow others to find and download certain files that they are looking for from another person's server or computer. In short, it is the sharing of files with the use of programs/software where people are able to upload and download files among each other.
Although many benefit from P2P sharing such as allowing people to watch movies for free, it is still unethical to some. Movie companies aren't too happy when movies are pirated and everyone can view them illegally. An example of this can be found in the article "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios" by B. Stelter and B. Stone. When the movie "The Dark Knight" hit theaters, millions of people were able to download it illegally with the help of "pirates."

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