Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog v Wiki

Both blogs and wikis are used by many in order to interact, socialize, share, and gain information. With wikis, one is able to edit or delete the original material posted by someone. Multiple people can edit the material posted on the wiki, which means its a way for people to collaborate at any time,  and any place. Wikis are really useful to companies as well. According to the article "How to Use Wikis for Business", wikis can centralize all sort of corporate information such as PDF's, Word documents, PowerPoint slides, and spreadsheets. Business can make use of wikis so that employees can collaborate and share ideas in a fast and convenient way. Blogs on the other hand, are used by individuals who seek to share some type of information on a certain topic. The difference here is that people can comment/reply to blogs but not edit or delete anything in the original post. A good example of how blogs can be used for collaboration is found in the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid." In 2006, neighbors in Brooklyn came together to share their thoughts of a house they suspected to be dealing drugs. The original blog motivated more people to come forward and speak up about their suspicions and observations. Eventually, more and more complaints were made to the police and the house was raided, resulting in arrests. The convergence of today's network is extremely important. It's important that we have some way of sharing information and our personal thoughts, and blogs and wikis allow us to do exactly that whether its for work, school, or personal purposes.

I think a new and creative way to use wiki is to create some sort of  social cooking club where users can post recipes and have others edit freely in order to improve recipes or give it a new twist.


1 comment:

  1. I think your idea of a cooking club wiki is creative. Having people critique your recipes and improve on them is a great idea to taste better food!
