Tuesday, November 13, 2018


If I had to give advice towards improving Baruch, I would suggest that professors make more use of social media to teach and engage students. It would be really nice and helpful if more professors uploaded Youtube videos or perhaps weekly videos on the course's social media page, explaining class material. Everyone learns differently, therefore I think some students would benefit out of watching and re-listening to lectures or further explanation of the course's topic. Also, having the lecture material online, would really be useful especially when students missed a class due to sickness or an emergency. These videos would help keep students on track, instead of them falling behind on material.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zeeba,
    Your idea is great! I agree that students learn differently, so it is important for professors to incorporate social media to teach and engage students. I think a video of the lecture would allow students to have a second chance to learn more material.
