Sunday, November 11, 2018


New media technology has so many wonderful benefits but unfortunately, there are many risks when it comes to our privacy. Anything we put out into the internet is no longer private, even if it is shared on our "private" Facebook account. That shared information no longer belongs to us. Information about our interests, dislikes, lifestyle, and habits, are all stolen just so that we can receive more and more advertisements. We lose privacy once photos and videos are uploaded onto social media sites. It is important to be careful of what we put online since embarrassing and inappropriate things can come back to haunt us, especially when trying to get a job. There is also the risk of things like identity theft and fraud when people share passwords, social-security numbers, and other confidential information through the use of e-mails or other online services. Hackers are always on the watch for these type of information. There's also people who post things like their house address and current location by "checking-in", which can be seen by strangers and poses a safety threat. We must keep in mind of what we post online and limit shared information, especially the things we would like to remain private. A private account does not actually mean privacy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that with new technologies, the definition of privacy is severely abated every generation. Apps that claim to not sell your information can only apologize when caught and repeat it again without harm.
